Guest Post: A Story Of Hate

Written by David

What is hate?

My rubbish dictionary defines the word "hate" as "to dislike very much". Now I don't say its rubbish just because its so basic It doesn't recognise words such as fragment and enthusiastic. I say its rubbish because the word "hate" is so much more than just "dislike". I mean how many people can you honestly say you truly "hate"? If its more than five then maybe there is something wrong.

I have only ever said I hated one person to their face, and I have never forgiven myself for saying it and I never will. To "hate" to me is when the sight of someone makes you so angry, without provocation that you feel that if they did or said something you feel you might not be able to hold back. Usually because of a past transgression.
That makes sense to me I hope it does you too.

Why do we "hate”?

This is a tricky question, often I've heard the answer be something like "because god wants us all choices of feelings" or something on those lines. That's ridiculous to me. I'm not saying I don't believe in an all knowing all seeing deity that is such a convenient scapegoat for everything. I'm saying I think it's a natural feeling towards a threat so you can distance emotion and feeling. To what end? You may be thinking. Well don't forget humans are a predatory creature, and to distance one from something or someone makes a kill much easier to cope with.

The reason I've chosen this topic to talk about is because for coming up four years now I've had a very difficult time asking myself why on earth did I say the three words that have been etched into the depth of my heart so viciously that I sometimes can't sleep for crying. I mean, I didn't hate my sister at all, she just made me a angry because she was right, I was wrong and I didn't want to be proven wrong. But I still screamed with hatred in my voice and fear In my eyes staring dead into hers "I hate you”.

It took the death of my sister for me to realise that the word "hate" is a double edged sword, and if not used properly can destroy the user too.

Don't make my mistake. Don't hate.

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